Snowmobilers, Start Your Engines!
We have snow! Our fervent Christmas wish this year was for cold weather followed by snow. Santa FINALLY came through (I guess our gift was back-ordered?!) with “normal” January temperatures early in the month. Cold temps helped firm up the ice on our end of Bass Lake and helped solidify the swamps enabling the snowmobile clubs to get out and groom. With the latest snowfall current trail conditions range from “fair” to “good” depending on what area you check. Ice depth is good on our end of Bass Lake so it’s easy to access the snowmobile trail from the resort. But ice depth on area lakes varies and not all swamps are being reported as frozen solid so “ride smart” in those areas. We plan to ride tomorrow to check conditions first hand. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it! 😉 We still have plenty of openings (including a 4 bdrm opening the last weekend of this month) during prime Minnesota snowmobile season so give us a call and make plans to head north!
Ice fishing has been good as well. Fishing last weekend slowed a bit thanks to the arctic weather but guests still caught sunnies and crappie. (remember the special limit of 5 per person on Bass Lake bluegill!) Ice depth on the south end is approaching 12 inches and there have a been a few brave souls who have traveled out by truck. We haven’t verified for ourselves that there is that much ice so we still advise staying on the safe side and traveling out via snowmobile, ATV or side-by-side. Again, ice depth varies widely on area lakes including the north end of Bass Lake so exercise caution when venturing out to your fishing hole!
Cross-country ski trails in the area are in beautiful shape! X-skiers who stayed last weekend raved about the beauty of the trails and the excellent ski conditions. You can find up-to-date trail conditions as well as maps of area trails the Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club website.
Winter is here – might as well get out and enjoy it!
Kim & Jay