Local MN Trail Reports for Snowmobilers, Ice Fishermen and X-Skiiers

Since the big snowstorm that moved through northern Minnesota after Christmas we’ve been getting lots of calls about snow conditions! The snow was exciting from the perspective that it ushered in the first real chance to get out and ride snowmobiles or x-ski. It was NOT exciting from the plowing and shoveling perspective! 😉
The ice depth on Bass Lake is more than 12″. So far Jay has not been able to get the plow truck out on the lake to plow a road for our guests. That means that for the time being guests are going to have to travel out to the fishing grounds by snowmobile, four-wheeler or side-by-side. The heavy snow created some slushy conditions and today’s warm weather and sunshine probably didn’t help matters. Hopefully the fishermen we have in this weekend will help the freezing process along by packing down the snow during their trips out to fish.
The area snowmobile clubs were out grooming as soon as the snow stopped falling. As a side note – they are a group of dedicated people who make snowmobiling in Minnesota happen! Without them securing land for trails and clearing/grooming trails there would be nowhere for the rest of us to ride! Anyway, all of them have been out grooming where they can. The swamps had not yet frozen when we got the big snowfall so they are calling for locals to ride the swamps to help freeze the trail so it’s firm enough for the groomers. They’ve all been doing a great job of communicating trail conditions so I’m just going to include their Facebook page links so you can check them out. VisitGrandRapids.com is also always a great place to check for snowmobile trail reports in the Grand Rapids, MN area.
Marcell Snowdrifters
Itasca Driftskippers
Lawron Trail Snowmobile Club
Greenway Snowmobile Club
DNR Snow Depth and Groomed Trail Conditions
I have to be the worst skiier that ever lived north of the Twin Cities! I didn’t learn as a kid (that’s my excuse) so I don’t ski as an adult! I made the girls take x-ski lessons as kids and during that winter I would spend their lesson time on the trails with other moms. I enjoyed it very much but sitting down on my skis to get down a hill was a bit embarrassing. It seemed like a better option than broken limbs! Anyway, I said all that as a disclaimer before telling you that x-skiing looks to be pretty awesome right now. It “looks” awesome from Facebook posts by my local friends who seem to be out enjoying the trails. The Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club does a great job with x-ski trail reports around Itasca County and you can also get great info on area skiing and sledding from VisitGrandRapids.com.
Remember that enjoyment of trails in Minnesota requires a pass or registration! Skiiers who are 16 or older, must have a Great Minnesota Ski Pass to ski on groomed trails in Minnesota state parks or state forests, or on state or grant-in-aid trails. Sign the ski pass and be sure to carry it with you every time you go skiing. Snowmobiles need to be registered for trail and non-trail use. And, of course, anglers need a license to fish!
We’re excited for the start of our winter recreation season and hope you can plan for a trip to Wildwood to play in the snow! You can check out our current availability or give us a call 218-328-5858 if you have questions about a stay.
Happy New Year!
Kim & Jay